But that world is one in which, instead of deploring the violence, praising the new wind of freedom, instead of questioning the enormous load of human beings tortured by the dictatorship in the West should deal with and that soon invade our seas, she screams to the danger of fundamentalism, but that the world is one in which the TG1, instead of being offended friendship between the Italian prime minister and the Libyan dictator, broadcast an old interview Minoli Gaddafi, in which tells of his friendship with Prodi and then, already there, broadcasts the league leader - complete with a cigar between his teeth - which beats the five and a journalist mumbling incomprehensible words, what the hell is this world that will end when the Middle East no longer deliver its oil to the West, that world in which the U.S. has lost control, causing reflux and power of this rebellion - uncontrolled and uncontrollable - to dictatorship, instead of acting in a diplomatic, not the world that alternative energy has to offer its inhabitants a world that is prepared to rebelling against the dictatorship of money power, the world that could kill as a trickle, gradually taking away all their perishable resources, the world that we do not prepare a better future, but promises only violence and poverty for billions of its inhabitants.
What world is this where I wish with all my strength to live and to live my children?
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