Woolrich Black Label: Like! Cold
I came across an article about this new collection by reading the current issue of Vanity Fair (Actually, mine is now grown old, but I pay the price for being a subscriber to receive copies of late).
Gerbase Paula graduated from the St. Martin's, and I admire that London and the talents that "produces" I can not speak of this capsule collection (a term coined by the people the work to define a "mini-collections-a-part" ... ok, maybe the literal meaning is not just that but really, come on, we understood each other).
Searching the Internet for some pictures and more information on the above concept of the collection (= "the reason for all this) I must say I was particularly impressed by the clean lines, very strict and sober these animals remind me a lot of that kind dresses and jackets that I never get tired of wearing it without too many frills. Those things are always good, in fact. I usually like things with frills three thousand five hundred, or the exact opposite, that the essential things. I'm not girl from middle way here. Also
I was surprised that Woolrich has focused on the tissue warm, but hot indeed, have written that we could easily challenge the rigorous winter cold by wearing these clothes.
will keep their promise? O_ ^
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