That same era in which she came to dinner, it was his birthday and knowing that she embroiders, and that surely would have appreciated, I thought of them as small gifts, this needle holders.
Having it done at the last moment (as my usual: oP) I had not photographed, so the time is past and towards the end of July, Tiziana came to my house and I could take photos, or)
Tiziana is also very good: embroidery, crochet, sew well known and is also an excellent cook ! It should open a blog all his own ... by Tiziana think! O) o)
I embroidered a penkeep for Monica, my other host, but also that I have not photographed .... I know I'm incorrigible .... When I go to Monica, I munisco of digital and see to remedy o)
Anto: o)
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